Workplace Violence Prevention
Maryland’s hospitals are committed to preventing workplace violence, promoting a culture of safety, and maintaining a safe healing environment for patients, staff, and visitors.
Addressing and Preventing Maryland Workplace Violence
Hospitals are actively addressing workplace violence. MHA, in partnership with the Maryland Patient Safety Center and support from the State of Maryland, are working together to create safer environments where healthcare workers feel supported and empowered to provide the highest quality care.
The resources on this page include contributions from federal and state agencies, hospitals, and health care regulatory bodies.
Hospitals, health systems, and organizations are encouraged to email us to submit their own resources to MHA.
Many Maryland hospitals have protocols and resources to identify and de-escalate potentially violent situations. MHA’s survey in 2019 found 181 incidents of patient violence against hospital employees over two years and 40% occurred in the emergency department.
Digital Toolkit for Hospitals and Healthcare
If you’re a health care worker looking to promote respect, patience, and positive interactions in your workplace, download the Care Flow Both Ways free toolkit. It contains printable resources designed to be placed in hospitals and health systems to encourage thoughtful engagement.