hospital worker washing hands

Quality & Safety

Patient safety is Maryland hospitals’ top priority.

Prioritizing Quality and Safety

MHA member hospitals and health systems prioritize quality and safety as core values, dedicating themselves to delivering excellence in every aspect of the health care journey.

Through collaborative efforts with organizations like the Maryland Patient Safety Center (MPSC), health care providers, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders, MHA aims to create an environment where patients can receive care that exceeds quality and safety benchmarks.

This commitment involves:

  • Establishing policies and incentives that support best-in-class quality
  • Convening members to share and learn best practices
  • Building a culture of patient safety that includes transparency and accountability
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Behavioral Health

Maryland hospitals and health systems play a crucial role in delivering vital behavioral health care services.

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Population Health

Maryland hospitals embrace an expansive health care delivery model that promises to keep people healthier, improve the direct care experience for those who are sick, and reduce the overall cost of care.

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Hospital Throughput

MHA and member hospitals and health systems are committed to improving hospital throughput and reducing emergency department length of stay.

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Maternal Health

By signing the Maternal Health Commitment, Maryland hospitals pledge to tackle both immediate factors within hospital settings leading to severe maternal morbidity and broader pre-existing conditions like environmental factors and health care elements contributing to the overall risk of severe maternal morbidity and mortality.

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Maryland Patients’ Resources

Hospitals in Maryland are dedicated to serving the medical needs of their community 24/7/365.
View Patient Resources