June 14, 2021

Investment in Future of Maryland Hospitals

The Health Services Cost Review Commission’s (HSCRC) move Wednesday to raise global revenue budgets 0.2% above inflation—or 20 basis points—will provide welcome resources as we enter the next phase of our recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

On your behalf, MHA worked with HSCRC staff and commissioners to advocate for this additional revenue in rate year 2021. Working with your hospitals, we conveyed the enormous cost pressures faced by hospitals along with the increased workforce burdens. We pushed for the move above the inflation provision.

We are pleased to help ensure your hospitals have more resources available at this critical time.

Also, during its public meeting Wednesday, HSCRC commissioners revised the amount available for age-weighted population growth to 15 basis points—down from 16 the year before. Yet, commissioners made the crucial decision to keep the money in the system—a position MHA strongly advocated for. By raising the set aside for unknown adjustments, the reduction wasn’t taken as savings and is available for HSCRC to share during the year.

Time and again we see the strength of our collective voices to advocate for policies and positions that benefit the field. These important decisions by the HSCRC will put your hospitals and health systems on solid footing as we unwind from COVID-19 and continue to strengthen our state’s health care system.

Bob Atlas
President & CEO