January 11, 2021

Healing Our Nation

The unimaginable images of a mob descending on and vandalizing our U.S. Capitol last week leave a stain on the story of this country. Regardless of one’s political leanings, the invasion of the sanctity of the seat of American democracy was wrong.

It is under this backdrop of one of the darkest days in American history that you continue the grueling work you have been engaged in for nearly a year. Your workforce now is confronted by yet another disruption to what feels “normal” in a year of near constant trauma.

People of all persuasions were left shaken and with questions about race, violence, and the future of our democracy. Yet, these divisions are likely to remain after a new administration assumes office Jan. 20.

As all of you in the business of healing know, most wounds do heal, whether on their own thanks to the magic of the body’s design or with the help of committed caregivers.

While our country faces unprecedented fractures and stress, you continue to battle a pandemic. Your teams have treated and released more than 28,000 COVID patients since March. You deliver day after day to care for your communities.

Your efforts bring hope and optimism, and make a true difference.

Hippocrates said, “Cure sometimes, treat often, and comfort always.” So, let’s continue to cure, treat, and comfort our patients, our communities, and ourselves.

Bob Atlas
President & CEO