Hospital Bond Program

2025 Hospital Bond Program

The Hospital Bond Program provides an opportunity to apply for state-allocated funding to complete private capital projects. The 2025 Hospital Bond Program applications opened March 2024.

Thirty-five million dollars in grants have been given out over the last five years through the MHA Hospital Bond Program. And the Maryland Legislature increased the amount available through the Hospital Bond Program to $20M annually beginning in 2026.

Important Dates

March 25Informational Webinar 

March 25: Applications Open. Application documents available here.

May 3: Request Appropriate Approvals/Exemptions from MHCC (and HSCRC if applicable)

June 14: Applications Due

Early August: Virtual Presentations

2025 Hospital Bond Program Informational Webinar

Applications for state capital funding under MHA’s Hospital Bond Program opened March 25, 2024. Matching fund grants for projects recommended as a result of this year’s process became available June 1, 2025.

For questions or to begin the application process, contact Jane Krienke at