MHA’s Executive Committee came together recently for a two-day meeting to address the tough challenges Maryland hospitals are facing collectively.
Day one focused on the Total Cost of Care Model. We examined drivers of Model performance from 2013 to the present, drilling down into changes in volumes, prices, and service mix. We outlined the argument for regulatory flexibility relative to Maryland’s short-term Model performance. Plus, we shared ideas on risks and opportunities as we look to extend the Model beyond its current term.
Health Services Cost Review Commission Chair Adam Kane joined us for a candid conversation. Mr. Kane praised our hospital leaders for their efforts the throughout the pandemic and acknowledged the aftermath of COVID is turbulent with historically high labor costs and staffing shortages, plus general cost inflation not seen since the advent of global budgeted revenues. He pressed the leaders of MHA to bring solutions to the table, both to put Maryland back on track to meet Model targets in the short-term and to assure long-term sustainability.
Executive Committee members also signed off on the first phase of a workforce rejuvenation campaign and a proposal to tackle persistent challenges getting behavioral health patients with complex needs onto the proper care paths. They discussed opportunities related to the state election and the MHA Political Action Committee.
We also heard recommendations for updating the association’s governance framework. That proposal will advance to MHA’s full membership board soon.
I personally thank the members of our principal governing body for their dedication to making MHA the powerful voice of the hospital field that it is.
Bob Atlas
President & CEO