January 24, 2022

A Healthy Maryland Needs Healthy Hospitals

Maryland’s 444th legislative session of the General Assembly has just begun, and already we can see that our top priorities are on the minds of legislators.

As you know, each year we come together at the start of session to review the hospital and health system fieldwide priorities.

To that end, on Friday we welcomed eight key lawmakers to the MHA annual legislative breakfast—held virtually for the first time. Each shared deep appreciation for your work and particularly in the nearly two years since the COVID-19 crisis was felt in our state.

We also saw that our advocacy is working. Each legislator mentioned the strain the hospital workforce is under and shared a desire to offer relief. We look forward to collaborating with them on solutions.

We’ve also seen a steady drumbeat of media coverage noting your plight, including recent findings that Maryland hospitals are the most COVID-stressed in the nation.

To continue to tell that story, MHA held a virtual Hospital Advocacy Day event, also on Friday, and released a video highlighting your workforce challenges, that we showed legislators during the breakfast and shared on social media. Please take a moment to watch (link below) and share with your own audiences.

MHA is privileged to advocate for your hospitals year-round as you advance the health of all Marylanders. I speak for our entire team at the Maryland Hospital Association when I say it has never been more of an honor than during the past two years.

Bob Atlas
President & CEO