MHA and our members support policies that reflect the values of hospitals and communities as we work together to advance health and health care in Maryland.
The Maryland Hospital Association (MHA) and our members support policies that reflect the values of hospitals and communities as we work together to build healthy hospitals and healthy communities.
MHA advocates for member hospitals and health systems by urging Congress and the administration to ensure the success of Maryland’s unique health care Model, improve the health of all Marylanders, and foster a robust and inclusive health care workforce.
Health Care Finance
Maryland’s health care finance system provides hospitals the opportunity to enhance patient outcomes, invest in cutting-edge technologies, and pioneer new strategies for financial sustainability.
Health Services Cost Review Commission
HSCRC manages the public disclosure of hospital data and operation performance. MHA and our members work closely to build consensus on issues affecting Maryland hospitals to ensure their voices are heard.
Teaming up with the Maryland Department of Health, Maryland Health Connection, and other state agencies, MHA and our members actively promote the Medicaid Check-In campaign to encourage Medicaid participants to update their information and raise awareness about the redetermination process. Learn more about how hospitals support health care initiatives for Medicaid beneficiaries in Maryland.
Healthy Hospitals. Healthy Communities.
Healthy Hospitals 101 Toolkit
Hospitals are cornerstones of our communities. The Healthy Hospitals 101 toolkit provides members with tips and resources for effective hospital visits.

Comment Letters
MHA advocates for change by providing comments at both the state and federal levels on a number of health care-related issues on behalf of its member hospitals and health systems.

Participation in MHA’s Political Action Committee supports elected officials who are committed to our priorities and gives hospital leaders the opportunity to share their knowledge of these complex issues.