August 18, 2023

MHA Member Spotlight: Kevin Sowers

Kevin Sowers
President, Johns Hopkins Health System
Executive Vice President, Johns Hopkins Medicine
Chair, MHA Council on Legislative & Regulatory Policy

MHA: Why did you pursue a career in health care?
KS: I grew up on a farm in rural Ohio. When I went off to college at Capital University in Columbus, I started off pursuing a degree in music (voice and piano). To pay my tuition, during the summers I held several jobs. I worked at two different nursing homes. In the morning I would provide music therapy to the residents and then in the afternoon, my job as an orderly at another nursing home was to feed, bathe and put residents to bed. It was during that summer that I fell in love with nursing and making a difference in others’ lives. There is a great story about the two most important days in your life …. the day you are born and the day you find your purpose. It was during those summer months that I found my purpose, and almost 40 years later, I’m reminded of the commitment we have to care for the people in our communities.

MHA: What are you most proud of in your career?
KS: I was the first, and am the only, member of my family to pursue higher education degrees. Doing so not only made a positive difference in my life, it has allowed me to care for my family in ways that I might not have otherwise been able to. It’s also why I am so committed to serving as a mentor and to championing mentorship and fellowship programs. I’ve seen similar stories play out in the lives of those that I have mentored. Now, they’re mentoring the next generation of leaders. This is a legacy I am proud of.

MHA: If you weren’t in health care, what would you do?
KS: I would probably be a high school music teacher. Music is a powerful art form capable of soothing the spirit and of bringing people together. If I didn’t work in health care, I would love to be a part of educating the next generation of vocalists and musicians.

MHA: What would people be surprised to know about you?
KS: I think they would be surprised to discover that I sing and that I’m a concert pianist. I also love to needlepoint.

MHA: What are you watching? 
KS: My partner Anthony and I have been watching Jack Ryan on Amazon Prime. It’s based on the book series by author Tom Clancy. I like complex and suspenseful storylines.