December 4, 2022

1,000 Days

We recently reached a milestone: 1,000 days since a Maryland hospital admitted our state’s first patient for COVID-19.

Looking back on these past nearly three years, the immense toll of this pandemic—on our workforce, our hospitals, and the people we serve—has yet to be fully revealed. It may be some time before we understand the effects on everything from health equity and behavioral health to education and population health.

One thing that is clear, without your incredibly nimble response, the toll would be much greater.

As we absorb the lessons learned and look ahead, MHA is acting assertively to help rebuild your teams—advocating and implementing policies and programs to help you recruit and retain a robust health workforce.

And, as we approach the holiday season, it means taking time to show our appreciation for all that you do.

MHA’s holiday card to each of you is below. During this season of gratitude, please know it is our privilege to work on your behalf as you care for Maryland.

Bob Atlas
President & CEO