February 26, 2025

Cracks Starting to Show

Your hospitals, like others nationwide, unfortunately are now accustomed to operating under extreme staffing shortages.

Once-in-a-lifetime challenges have strained your workforce, but for the most part remain hidden from your patients.

A recent poll, however, finds the cracks are beginning to show. People are noticing staffing shortages in U.S. health care facilities, with 75% of those who sought care reporting delays or other concerns. Sadly, 52% say they worry they won’t have access to health care due to staffing challenges.

As you know, Maryland is facing this issue head on. We’ve proactively launched a workforce recruitment campaign, JoinMdHealth, that is gaining traction with key audiences.

Throughout this ongoing e-marketing push we are leaning heavily on your own employees’ experiences. Their passion for caring for their communities is our most powerful and persuasive message and will be woven into the campaign in the coming weeks.

MHA recently visited two member hospitals—Frederick Health and Sheppard Pratt—to film nearly two dozen quick videos of employees. (If your hospital would like to highlight exemplary team members, please reach out to us.)

These first-person accounts were poignant. One Frederick Heath team member challenged students considering a career in health care to “dare to care,” and a Sheppard Pratt employee said going to work each day is as close to “utopia” as it gets.

We appreciate your engagement in JoinMdHealth and look forward to hearing more from your incredible employees.