“Healthy Hospitals. Healthy Communities.” Launching A Statewide Campaign to Showcase Maryland Hospitals
One of the key reasons I took the role of President & CEO for the Maryland Hospital Association was my appreciation of life-saving work that hospitals do every day. Even with that level of respect, I was not prepared for how awed I would be to see your teams at work in your emergency departments, discharge suites, med/surg units, diabetes clinics, and more.
I am deeply inspired by your dedication, compassion, and leadership.
To make sure our legislators, regulators, and state agencies recognize and appreciate our hospitals, we are launching a new statewide branding campaign: “Healthy Hospitals. Healthy Communities.”
This campaign aims to elevate the profile of our hospitals, celebrate the invaluable contributions of hospital workers, and inform key stakeholders about the positive impact Maryland hospitals have on our communities.
Components of the campaign include legislative visits to hospitals around the state this fall, an event in Annapolis in January, and a travelling roadshow with media events next spring.
MHA will kick off the campaign with select hospital leaders at our offices in Elkridge on Sept. 11. We will provide resources and materials to bring the excitement to your hospital and health system.
In the coming months and year, you’ll hear more details. I hope you’ll join us in spreading the word: Only with stable, healthy hospitals, can there be healthy communities across the state.
Melony G. Griffith
President & CEO