November 20, 2022

Historic Election

While a few results are still being tallied, it’s clear Maryland had a historic election.

The statewide elected office winners are the most diverse ever. They include: Maryland’s first Black Governor-elect Wes Moore; Lieutenant Governor-elect Aruna Miller, the first woman of color and first immigrant elected to statewide office in Maryland; Brooke Lierman as our state’s first female Comptroller; and Anthony Brown as our first Black Attorney General.

This election also marks a generational shift both in the governor’s mansion, with 44-year-old Moore, and in the legislature, where the first members of Generation Z will take office.

We at MHA are excited to team with the new administration and state lawmakers to improve health and health care across our state and strengthen our hospital workforce.

This election season also marked a milestone in how we use our collective voice. With your support, MHA engaged early and often with leading candidates, scheduling virtual town halls for members with top gubernatorial candidates before the primary, including Moore.

We also offered every candidate for governor, the House of Delegates, and the state Senate, an opportunity to answer questions of interest to our members about health and health care.
Those questionnaire responses, shared with all of you, were part of a months-long campaign to encourage hospital workers to vote.

MHA aligned our PAC strategy to further these efforts, including—for the first time—giving to candidates like Moore, Lierman, and Brown before ballots were cast.

MHA is engaging with all our incoming leaders, including helping with the transition team’s work as Moore prepares to take office.

Our success in these matters comes thanks to your passion and support. We appreciate you.

Wishing you and yours a happy Thanksgiving.

Bob Atlas
President & CEO