The Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) began strategic planning efforts over the summer to define the ideal future position for HSCRC and the Maryland Model over the next decade. Last week HSCRC revealed a new aspirational vision statement for Maryland’s Total Cost of Care Model:
“The Maryland Model, stabilized and embracing a population health approach for all providers, will serve as the nation’s leader in health equity, quality, access, total cost, and consumer experience by leveraging value-based payment methodologies across all payers.”
HSCRC further stated its intent to prioritize advancement in four areas:
- Cost
- Population Health
- Health Equity
- Quality
HSCRC’s work was informed by stakeholder views, as well the perspective of the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI)—which will ultimately direct the future of the Model.
CMMI continues to view Maryland’s higher Medicare spending as an opportunity for improvement, notwithstanding that a key feature of the Model the federal government has long supported is level payment rates—or the absence of cost-shifting—across all payers.
HSCRC’s planning consultant found CMMI may want more emphasis on structured transformation, partnerships, or other programs that could be adopted and scaled outside of Maryland. That seems to line up with public pronouncements made recently by CMMI Director Elizabeth Fowler.
MHA sees no fundamental differences between HSCRC’s vision and that of our members. MHA has for some time advocated for better alignment of programs and incentives and greater involvement of all health players. And we certainly will continue to strive toward our shared goal of an effective and stable Model.
Bob Atlas
President & CEO