There’s power in numbers—and impact.
For the coming session of the General Assembly, MHA will expand its grassroots advocacy pilot program to include all Maryland hospitals. MHA asks all hospital leaders to commit to engage fully, so we can prove the strength of Maryland hospitals and your workforce.
Together, we can show legislators that hospitals are here for Maryland, and we need them to step up and help us by passing our key priorities:
Grow and Sustain Maryland’s Health Care Workforce: Solving workforce shortages will be MHA’s top legislative priority. MHA will advance a comprehensive portfolio of change, including budget investments to recruit and retain staff, multi-state licensure portability, and tougher price gouging laws to end the exploitative practices of staffing agencies.
Improve Maryland’s Liability Climate: A report commissioned by the Health Services Cost Review Commission, from budget language MHA secured in 2020, shows Maryland’s liability climate is among the worst in the country. MHA will communicate the need for reform and will introduce legislation to allow juries to consider third-party compensation for medical expenses, like health insurance, to avoid double compensation and correct inflated life care plans.
Ensure the Success of Maryland’s Model: During the 90-day legislative session, MHA will educate legislators on the value of our Model and will advocate for proposals that align with Model goals and help us get a favorable federal evaluation.
MHA looks forward to returning to our in-person legislative breakfast, on January 21. For the first time this year we’ll follow it by showing hospitals’ unified voice in Annapolis with an Advocacy Day. Invitations and more information are coming this week. We look forward to seeing you there.
Bob Atlas
President & CEO