December 20, 2021

Sound the Alarm

As 2021 ends, there’s no room at the inn. COVID patients have more than doubled in the past month and hospital beds are full.It’s disappointing to see so many public officials—and much of the wider public—tuned out to the spike in hospitalizations and the devastating toll on your hospitals.In a way, this is a testament to your tenacity in caring for Maryland.Last week, MHA launched a campaign, Sound the Alarm. (Read more and access digital tools below). We’re asking people to get vaccinated and boosted, wear masks, and avoid large gatherings over the holidays. And we’re stressing when to seek care in alternative settings, to slow emergency department traffic.MHA is acting to address this surge. We’re working with the state’s Surge Operations Center to get patients out of your hospitals and balance loads. MHA is coordinating with nursing facilities to reduce discharge delays, particularly among unvaccinated patients and those who are COVID positive.We’re also helping address your workforce challenges by seeking greater flexibility for licensure and relieving backlogs in license application processing. Plus, MHA is advocating for better liability protection and relief from burgeoning costs.The reality is, COVID will become endemic. To find “normal” again, we have to suppress the spread and reduce the severity of infections. Science will help. So will your continued valiant efforts. MHA wishes you all a safe and healthy holiday season and a brighter 2022 for us all.Bob AtlasPresident & CEO