Each day, thousands of Marylanders spend at least a portion of their day visiting a hospital. Whether it’s an outpatient visit, a scheduled procedure, the celebratory birth of a baby, or an unscheduled and unwelcome emergency visit, Maryland hospitals are there for their communities.
Your hospitals—and the incredible care you deliver daily—would not be the same without your committed team members.
Staffing shortages that persisted for years became unsustainable post-COVID. These historic deficits impact every aspect of care including, as we told the legislature this week, hospital throughput and emergency department length of stay.
MHA’s JoinMdHealth workforce recruitment campaign aims to strengthen the pipeline of hospital caregivers. The digital ad campaign, which relaunched this month, focuses on growing the hospital workforce and diversifying it so our hospital staff better represents the rich diversity of our patients.
I have enjoyed viewing the ads and videos associated with the campaign—many of which feature your own hospital employees. These paid ads have begun running on social media, streaming audio, and radio and will continue through the spring.
Within six months, the 2023 campaign reached 10 million impressions across digital channels—showing a remarkable interest in working in Maryland hospitals with nearly 83,000 ad clicks to visit the website. We are hoping for similar results in this next phase.
Health care in Maryland is defined by the dedication of our talented, compassionate hospital employees. As we build upon this successful campaign, we hope you’ll continue to engage and support it.
Melony G. Griffith
President & CEO
P.S. Be sure to take the JoinMdHealth quiz to find out if you lead with your head, hands, or heart. As you can probably tell from my early days with the Association, I’m a heart!