March 8, 2021

Vaccine Progress

We got the welcome news last week of a third safe and effective vaccine for COVID-19. Then President Biden announced that the federal government expects to have enough supply for every U.S. adult to receive a first dose by the end of May.

These are tremendous developments for our nation.

At the state level, MHA has advocated persistently to secure hospitals’ pivotal role in vaccinating Marylanders. Supply is limited and many outlets are clamoring for attention, so allocations have been volatile. A few weeks ago, hospitals received just 10,000 doses. Last week it was more than 60,000 thanks to the release of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and a bonus shipment of Pfizer. This week it’s 33,000 Pfizer and Moderna.

Meanwhile, Governor Hogan continues to launch new mass vaccination sites—in several cases relying upon hospitals as clinical partners.

With your help, we keep pressing the case for hospitals. We submitted data showing hospitals’ collective readiness to deliver 145,000 shots each week. We demonstrated that hospitals have the wherewithal to reach vulnerable, underserved populations.

It appears the state is listening. The other day, we heard HSCRC will work with us to set up a program in which rate funding will be made available to hospitals to run targeted vaccination campaigns. With funding, plus a more reliable flow of doses expected soon, Maryland hospitals ought to be able to fulfill many people’s needs for vaccination.

As we enter this second year in the fight against COVID-19, it’s our privilege to continue to champion your remarkable efforts.

Bob Atlas
President & CEO