Privacy Policy

The Maryland Hospital Association (MHA) is highly sensitive to the privacy interests of consumers and believes that the protection of those interests is one of our most significant responsibilities. You may visit our Web site and browse without giving us any personal information.

You may be asked to provide limited contact information when sending MHA messages via the Web site. Contact information submitted to MHA is intended solely for the use in communications specific to the comment or question submitted.

Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. MHA uses cookies to personalize your visit on For example, cookies allow us to recognize you when you return to our site. Most Web browsers are automatically set to accept cookies. To change this, or to show a warning each time a cookie request is received, please review your browser’s guidelines.

In acknowledgment of our obligations to protect the privacy interests of consumers, has adopted the following Privacy Policy applicable to information about consumers acquired in the course of our business:

Acquisition of Information. We do not acquire any more information about consumers than is necessary to provide a high level of service.

Our Employees and Privacy. We give access to information about consumers only to those employees who require it to perform their jobs.

Disclosure to Third Parties. We will provide individually-identifiable information about consumers to third parties only if we are compelled to do so by order of a duly-empowered governmental authority, we have the express permission of the consumer, or it is necessary to provide our services.

Privacy and Our Affiliates and Partnering Organizations. When we make our technology or services available to our affiliates and partnering organizations, we will not share with them any more consumer information than is necessary, and we will make every reasonable effort to assure, by contract or otherwise, that they use our technology and services in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy.


  • By using, you consent to the collection and use of your information by as set forth. If we decide to change our statement, such changes will be posted here on the Web site, so please check back periodically to ensure that you have the most current statement.
  • Please take a moment to also review the Terms and Conditions of Use