August 7, 2023

A Path to Health Equity: Fieldwide Progress Report

Health equity is the cornerstone of a just and effective health care system for all.

Despite progress made in Maryland hospitals and communities, disparities continue to persist, leading some populations to endure poorer health outcomes than others.

We continue to strive for the highest level of health for all individuals, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, age, or socioeconomic status.

In our unwavering commitment to improving health outcomes and reducing health disparities in Maryland, MHA and your hospitals and health systems have embarked on a transformative journey. Today, we announce an opportunity to showcase how your hospital or health system is contributing to this important mission. MHA invites all members to share success stories, innovative programs, and impactful activities that have advanced health equity or diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Through collective sharing, we aim to highlight positive change in health equity, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Your valuable submissions will be considered for inclusion in an upcoming public progress report, reaching a diverse audience, including MHA members, state agencies, regulators, legislators, and potentially other hospital associations.

Your organization’s achievements and experiences have the potential to inspire others and significantly impact health equity in our communities.

A request for submissions was shared with hospital CEOs, presidents, and health equity leads. Learn more about the guidelines and share your success stories here. The deadline for submissions is Friday, Sept. 1. Please contact us with questions.

Help us celebrate your hospitals’ achievements and share your best practices with peers and key stakeholders throughout the state.